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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wish List

       Dreams are those small or huge wishes that keep us going, that give us a reason to fight for something and make life as best as possible. Today I want to share some of my private dreams, my wish list. So here we go:

1. I want to take piano classes
2. I want to take dancing classes
3.I want to take photography classes
4. I want to learn to drive well
5.I want to buy my own car
6. I want to save a life (maybe more)
7. I want to change my style
8. I want to visit the States again
9. I want to spend a few days in Chicago, or any other big city
10.I want to help my family
11.I want to spend my holidays near the ocean/sea and admire all the downs and take long walks on the beach
12.I want to try Chinese Food
13.I want to smile more
14.I want to go to a great concert
15.I want to try every Roller Coaster and scream to the top of my lungs
16.I want to get the best of my life
17.I want a nice, small, cozy house of my own
18.I want a rewarding job
19.I want to help other people
20.I want to become a better person
21.I want a happy family
22.I want to first be a friend to my friends
23.I want to write a book
24.I want to live my own life and love the life I live
25.I want to try everything adventurous the world has to offer
26.I want to make my dad feel proud of me

       And maybe some of them will come true, and maybe some of them never will, but I will make the best of what I have!!! Life is short! Iarta repede, saruta incet, iubeste curat, zimbeste necontrolat, si nu regreta nimic din ceea ce te face fericit!!! 
       Sa aveti o seara fabuloasa si vise ciufulite :)