So I missed Carla's Dreams' concert. I'm so mad at myself, but I guess it was a fair punishment. I really hope they organize another one, because i'm not gonna miss it for anything in the world.
All I wanted was to have fun, to go out, to meet new people. And it was going great, until a few days ago. I crossed the line, I blew it, and now I have to make new plans. Everything i was running's trapping me. Ok, whatever. Hopefully it's all for the best. Need to find a job, asap. Need to study for my exams. Need to get money for a seaside holiday. And then figure out the rest.There is so much going on in my head. And the crap keeps piling up......Ugh.....dear life, please, give me a break! I'm lost, ok? I need to find my way back, I need to figure out what I want to do with this shitty life. Yes. Because happiness is an illusion. It's only a state of mind, or heart..., to remind us that life doesn't always suck, and to find new reasons to move on. Let the rain pour down, for the rainbow to show up. Hasta la vista baby.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Sean Ryan
Am descoperit o comoara, o comoara de baiat. Imi placea la nebunie piesa ATB - All I need is you, vocea solistului pur si simplu ma ia cu fiori. Am mai cautat putin pe youtube, si am descoperit mai multe piese de ale sale. A facut parte dintr-o formatie, Apollo's Child, scotind un album cu o denumire stranie "masquerade of aspersions" dar cu niste piese mai mult decit superbe, delicioase, pur si simplu balsam pentru sufletelul meu. O voce fantastica!!!! Va las sa ascultati citeva doar :)
Pur si simplu m-am indragostit de vocea lui! E caleidoscopul perfect de voce, muzica si text, iar combinatiile de pian sunt ametitoare. Stau cu castile in urechi, cu volumul la maxim si simt cum ma trec fiorii. Truly Soul Touching. Way to go, Sean Ryan!!
Mai vreau, multe multe piese superbe! Me place!!!!!!!!
Pur si simplu m-am indragostit de vocea lui! E caleidoscopul perfect de voce, muzica si text, iar combinatiile de pian sunt ametitoare. Stau cu castile in urechi, cu volumul la maxim si simt cum ma trec fiorii. Truly Soul Touching. Way to go, Sean Ryan!!
Mai vreau, multe multe piese superbe! Me place!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Carla's Dreams

Pentru a ascultat toate piesele lor, click aici.
Acum insa vreau la concert, pe 25 mai, la Faraon, vreau vreau vreau!!!!
Mult succes Carla's Dreams!!! Cit mai multe piese bune in continaure, si nu iesiti din anonimat!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
TV series
I watch way too many series, but i tend to believe I am learning something out of them. Now that some of them have come to an end, i have decided to write a short review about each of them. So, here they are:

I started watching Prison Break in 2006 I think, and each year waiting for a new season, must say it was a long wait. The show started in 2005 and ended in 2009, starring Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell. It's some sort of a thriller, crime, drama, and a bit of romance.
In 2010 I started watching Ghost Whisperer, Jennifer Love Hewitt playing her role perfectly. The show gave me some kind of an answer, or relief about what happens with people's spirits, after they are gone.
So I couldn't stop at just that, moving on to Dr. House, a misanthrope genius that you must have heared of. The show is about Doctor House and his team of doctors, in each episode is presented a new case. A show filled with mystery, drama, and lots of sarcastic comedy. Enjoy.
The next one was Grey's Anatomy. Although it's also about a hospital and medicine and doctors,like in the previous show, the action does not evolve only around House, but every character in the story, with a bit more details about Meredith and Derek. I love this show because it's full of energy, mystery, drama, lots of actions and plenty of comedy to laugh at, no matter how hard of a day they had. Exquisite.
In Desperate Housewives, the action takes place on Wisteria Lane, a street where four ladies have become best friends and wouldn't betray each other for nothing on earth. Although some actions go a bit fantastic, the show is a mix of drama, thriller, and plenty of comedy. I'd say one of the best styles of comedy.
How I Met Your Mother, the best show to watch, if you want to have a good laugh, if you are super depressed and you think life sucks, this is your best cure. You will laugh so hard that you will forget what your name is. Totally worth it. Pure comedy.
Lie to me, actually it is about a real person, Paul Ekman, who studied microexpressions. That's the emotions we show on our face in a split of a second. Like when you say something, but your face shows something else. Here come Dr. Lightman with his cases to help us discover the science of emotions. Besides the crime scenes and violence sequences, the show is totally educational.
The Mentalist, a detective show, where Patrick Jane is good at reading people's faces, body language and behavior. His untraditional ways of investigation helps closing cases faster than anyone.
The Vampire Diaries. I must say I watched the Twilight set of series only this year, just to compare it with The vampire Diaries. Well, they are both good, but i would choose TVD anyway. Although it's completely fictional, it's a great story, and the characters are all pretty :)
After watching Criminal Minds, no other crime scene or thriller movie can scare me off. I've seen images you never want to hear about. But the team is great, especially Shemar Moore, from The Young and the Restless, and Mathew Gray Gubler, a genius and a nerd in the show, a much more out going person in real life, and he's funny too:).
Switched at Birth is about two girls who have been switched at birth, by accident, and now the families live together in order to know each other better. What allures to this show is that some characters are deaf and they have to speak through signs, which is really cool. They are deaf in real life as well, which is not so cool.
The Lying Game is about two twin sisters who have been separated at birth, and now that they found each other, the poor one takes the place of the rich one in the family, while the other one goes looking for their mother. Lots of secrets lie in the air, mystery drama and romance.

Touch is an amazing TV show about a 11 year old boy who has never said a word in his life, but somehow he manages to communicate through numbers with his father. He can see the future and with the help of his father, can prevent bad things from happening.
The Medium, inspired from a true story, which is a bit hard to
believe, is about a woman and her family. She who has dreams where dead people talk to her, and then she works with the district attorney to solve crime cases.
You can find them at

I started watching Prison Break in 2006 I think, and each year waiting for a new season, must say it was a long wait. The show started in 2005 and ended in 2009, starring Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell. It's some sort of a thriller, crime, drama, and a bit of romance.

So I couldn't stop at just that, moving on to Dr. House, a misanthrope genius that you must have heared of. The show is about Doctor House and his team of doctors, in each episode is presented a new case. A show filled with mystery, drama, and lots of sarcastic comedy. Enjoy.

The Vampire Diaries. I must say I watched the Twilight set of series only this year, just to compare it with The vampire Diaries. Well, they are both good, but i would choose TVD anyway. Although it's completely fictional, it's a great story, and the characters are all pretty :)
After watching Criminal Minds, no other crime scene or thriller movie can scare me off. I've seen images you never want to hear about. But the team is great, especially Shemar Moore, from The Young and the Restless, and Mathew Gray Gubler, a genius and a nerd in the show, a much more out going person in real life, and he's funny too:).
Switched at Birth is about two girls who have been switched at birth, by accident, and now the families live together in order to know each other better. What allures to this show is that some characters are deaf and they have to speak through signs, which is really cool. They are deaf in real life as well, which is not so cool.
The Lying Game is about two twin sisters who have been separated at birth, and now that they found each other, the poor one takes the place of the rich one in the family, while the other one goes looking for their mother. Lots of secrets lie in the air, mystery drama and romance.

Touch is an amazing TV show about a 11 year old boy who has never said a word in his life, but somehow he manages to communicate through numbers with his father. He can see the future and with the help of his father, can prevent bad things from happening.
The Medium, inspired from a true story, which is a bit hard to
believe, is about a woman and her family. She who has dreams where dead people talk to her, and then she works with the district attorney to solve crime cases.
You can find them at
Monday, May 7, 2012
Open Your Eyes
Un clip frumos, plin de sens si emotii
Uneori nu vedem ce avem chiar in fata noastra, nu pretuim ceea ce avem, iar cind pierdem, e mult prea tirziu pentru a schimba ceva, si ramanem cu regretul.
Lupta pentru ceea ce vrei, traieste-ti visele, pretuieste oamenii de linga tine si spune Te Iubesc atunci cind simti cu adevarat. Fericirea se afla in tine, asteapta sa fie descoperita si dezlantuita, totul depinde cum privesti lucrurile. Our thoughts control our lives! Go ahead, take a stand!
Uneori nu vedem ce avem chiar in fata noastra, nu pretuim ceea ce avem, iar cind pierdem, e mult prea tirziu pentru a schimba ceva, si ramanem cu regretul.
Lupta pentru ceea ce vrei, traieste-ti visele, pretuieste oamenii de linga tine si spune Te Iubesc atunci cind simti cu adevarat. Fericirea se afla in tine, asteapta sa fie descoperita si dezlantuita, totul depinde cum privesti lucrurile. Our thoughts control our lives! Go ahead, take a stand!
dara - open your eyes,
Nici nu stiu ce sa scriu, nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep. Nu am mai scris de atita timp, atitea s-au schimbat.
Ziceam ca imi place primavara, anul acesta se pare ca vremea caniculara a inceput inca din aprilie, si uite asa vara ne-a furat primavara, si stau numai cu gindul la mare, la apa azurie si la nisipul fierbinte. Si cald fiind, mi se face dor de America, de briza, de pepsi maxi, de mall-uri si de oamenii de acolo, mi-e dor de persoanele cu care am lucrat,cu care am impartit amintiri care imi vor ramane in suflet mereu........
Alte schimbari, una din prietenele mele cele mai bune, Vika, a cam dat-o in bara cu univerul si a plecat acasa, la tara, si mi-e dor de ea....mi-e dor sa povestim ore in sir despre toate. O alta prietena de a mea a revenit acasa, ne stim de la 5 ani, am fost intr-o clasa timp de 12 ani, una din putinii oameni de incredere si care te face sa rizi cu pofta oricind. Un alt prieten foarte bun, de la care cer sfatul oricind am nevoie, cica s-a logodit, cam nu imi place mie de mireasa lui, dar atita timp cit e tac. Anul acesta absolvesc univerul...iuhuuuuuuuu, nici nu imi vine a crede ca 3 ani au zburat..uite asa, ca vintul, am terminat orele si examenele, a ramas doar sa ma pregatesc de examenele de stat si sa lucrez la teza. Pe de o parte ma simt bucuroasa ca am scapat, dar pe de o parte imi vine greu sa cred ca nu o sa mai merg la ore. Cine stie, daca intru la master, s-ar putea sa mai am parte de scoala inca putin. Oricum, anul acesta e un an al schimbarilor, habar nu am ce intorsatura o sa ia viata mea in citeva luni, nu am idee ce o sa fie, daca dau la master, in ce domeniu? unde? daca imi gasesc de lucru, cum o sa fie? Ce fel de oameni o sa intilnesc? Poate unii dintre ei imi vor deveni prieteni? Si revin la problema mea actuala, care fierbe scaldata in soarele arzind. Vreau la mare. Vreau la mare atit de mult incit numai la asta ma gindesc, deja am reusit sa enervez toti prietenii, si incerc sa nu pomenesc ori de cite ori am chef, capoi imi taie ei cheful :) Ah! si vreau la discoteca, vreau sa ma distrez sa uit de toate. Mama vrea nepoti, am anuntat-o deja ca asta pina cind nu se afla in planurile mele. Inca nu m-am saturat de distrat, inca nu m-am saturat de iesit cu prietenii, inca nu m-am saturat de trait tineretea. Vreau sa plec undeva unde nu ma stie nimeni si s-o iau de la inceput, sa fac toate lucrurile care mi-e frica sa le fac aici, sau nu am posibilitatea.
In fiecare zi pun radio Fresh Fm, cu sunetul la maxim, si dansez prin casa. Am descoperit o multime de muzica noua, chiar acuma ascult pe rind tot ce gasesc de ATB, Dash Berlin, Emma Hweitt, niste cintecele superbe. Imi trebuie doar niste boxe, pentru efect mai intens.
ATB - All I need is you...........o voce ......intensa
Vreau si eu acolo........Hai la Mare!!!
Si inca ceva booooon
Ziceam ca imi place primavara, anul acesta se pare ca vremea caniculara a inceput inca din aprilie, si uite asa vara ne-a furat primavara, si stau numai cu gindul la mare, la apa azurie si la nisipul fierbinte. Si cald fiind, mi se face dor de America, de briza, de pepsi maxi, de mall-uri si de oamenii de acolo, mi-e dor de persoanele cu care am lucrat,cu care am impartit amintiri care imi vor ramane in suflet mereu........
Alte schimbari, una din prietenele mele cele mai bune, Vika, a cam dat-o in bara cu univerul si a plecat acasa, la tara, si mi-e dor de ea....mi-e dor sa povestim ore in sir despre toate. O alta prietena de a mea a revenit acasa, ne stim de la 5 ani, am fost intr-o clasa timp de 12 ani, una din putinii oameni de incredere si care te face sa rizi cu pofta oricind. Un alt prieten foarte bun, de la care cer sfatul oricind am nevoie, cica s-a logodit, cam nu imi place mie de mireasa lui, dar atita timp cit e tac. Anul acesta absolvesc univerul...iuhuuuuuuuu, nici nu imi vine a crede ca 3 ani au zburat..uite asa, ca vintul, am terminat orele si examenele, a ramas doar sa ma pregatesc de examenele de stat si sa lucrez la teza. Pe de o parte ma simt bucuroasa ca am scapat, dar pe de o parte imi vine greu sa cred ca nu o sa mai merg la ore. Cine stie, daca intru la master, s-ar putea sa mai am parte de scoala inca putin. Oricum, anul acesta e un an al schimbarilor, habar nu am ce intorsatura o sa ia viata mea in citeva luni, nu am idee ce o sa fie, daca dau la master, in ce domeniu? unde? daca imi gasesc de lucru, cum o sa fie? Ce fel de oameni o sa intilnesc? Poate unii dintre ei imi vor deveni prieteni? Si revin la problema mea actuala, care fierbe scaldata in soarele arzind. Vreau la mare. Vreau la mare atit de mult incit numai la asta ma gindesc, deja am reusit sa enervez toti prietenii, si incerc sa nu pomenesc ori de cite ori am chef, capoi imi taie ei cheful :) Ah! si vreau la discoteca, vreau sa ma distrez sa uit de toate. Mama vrea nepoti, am anuntat-o deja ca asta pina cind nu se afla in planurile mele. Inca nu m-am saturat de distrat, inca nu m-am saturat de iesit cu prietenii, inca nu m-am saturat de trait tineretea. Vreau sa plec undeva unde nu ma stie nimeni si s-o iau de la inceput, sa fac toate lucrurile care mi-e frica sa le fac aici, sau nu am posibilitatea.
In fiecare zi pun radio Fresh Fm, cu sunetul la maxim, si dansez prin casa. Am descoperit o multime de muzica noua, chiar acuma ascult pe rind tot ce gasesc de ATB, Dash Berlin, Emma Hweitt, niste cintecele superbe. Imi trebuie doar niste boxe, pentru efect mai intens.
ATB - All I need is you...........o voce ......intensa
Vreau si eu acolo........Hai la Mare!!!
Si inca ceva booooon
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